Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: John Clark (
Date: Wed Dec 19 2001 - 01:43:46 MST

Samantha Atkins <> Wrote:

>Even if this tape is the truth (which is questionable until
>examined by independent experts), it still would not prove
>that anyone is the "epitome of evil". That *is* a pointless

It sure seems like it has a point to me, please explain why my
seeing the point is an error. I also wonder why calling American
foreign policy evil presumably has a point as you say it or imply
it in nearly ever line you write, this in spite of the fact that they
haven't crashed a civilian airliner into a civilian skyscraper recently.

>the Taliban, despite their obvious odiousness, are only guilty by
> association.

Abetting murder is a crime in every civilized country I'm aware of.

         John K Clark

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