RE: Forgotten memory

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 15:25:53 MST

> Some have argued that such a picture is appealing because even though
> they will change so much as to be unrecognizable, the changes will be
> gradual so they will still be, in a sense, the same person. However I
> think this movie calls that view into question. Yes, in a sense this
> moment's Leonard is the same person he was an hour ago. But
> in another
> sense, he is someone completely different since he knows
> nothing of his
> earlier mental state. When we see the situation compressed down to a
> time horizon of a few minutes, it is much more questionable what the
> value is of such an existence. Yet it is what many of us have planned
> for ourselves.
> Hal

Might I venture that life is already this way? And yet, we go on.


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