Re: some U.S. observations and notes

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 12:57:45 MST

Amara Graps wrote:
> From: Spike Jones (
> >Right or wrong, the war will be over in a few days.
> No Spike, the 'war on terrorism' will not be over in a few days.
> This is what I find so chilling about the U.S. government's policy
> and words and actions of people there I listened to the last weeks.
> In my opinion, the American's response has reached beyond vengeance
> into the realm of paranoia. The U.S. government only has to label
> one as 'terrorist' and it's all over for that person. What is the
> definition of 'terrorist' or 'terrorist network'? Who defines
> 'terrorism'? Is carrying a U.S. passport a license to exclude the
> other humans on this planet? What is this 'war'? Is the 'war on
> terrorism' a new way the U.S. government has cooked up to remove as
> many of our rights as possible? Once the U.S. pushes their policy,
> the other governments follow suit. How many of your/our rights have
> we lost in the last couple of months?

It is highly unfortunate, but what has occured, in my mind, is directly
the fault of cultural relativists who have coddled and sympathized these
pocket fascists for decades. The 70's and 80's saw mideast terrorists
strike Europe, and most european nations responded by imposing broad
police powers as well as paying off sponsor states like Libya and Syria
with aid, shelter, and trade. It isn't an accident that the terrorists
that attacked us were able to establish bona fides in allegedly freedom
loving states like Germany, France, Spain, and England, and from there
springboard into the US.

"Pacifism, by nature, is objectively pro-fascist." - George Orwell

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