Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: The Geek Syndrome

From: Bob Arctor (
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 11:18:30 MST

On Monday 17 December 2001 13:07, wetware bot curious recieved:
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 12:47:52AM +0100, Bob Arctor
> or root <root@grzybnia> wrote:
> > i recently saw an Prof Snyders work about autism and
> > development of drawing, and he tries to induce autism to
> > gain what he calls 'artistic skills' and which is a result
> > of moving language skills to other centres (visual and
> > music language)
> Sounds rather handwavey to me - cortical reoganization only
> can go that far.

gee... if you haven't learned language and art when you was
young it can be even classified as debilism (i.e. verbal
debilism occur in deep autism, or musical debilism in amusia)

> Well, it could of course be the legality aspect. Weird

so can be classified as neurosis and paranoia (afterall he
could _go to different state_ to do it)

> magnetic fields are currently classed as drugs. But there
> seems to be a link between decreased or absent response to
> LSD and autism disorders, in that the serotonin system is
> involved:

LSD is a strong D2 receptor agonists, which is responsible for
socialisation (feelings, not actions, so during LSD trip
tripper must be guided into social situations, or must release
serotonin to act properly (i.e. trough MDMA intake, often
called 'candyflipping')
after ignition of social relationship D2 receptor holds on
bonding, especially emphathy (but LSD overall action is

serotonin is involved in _actions_, releasing serotonin causes
increased socialisation, but not empathy (it is easy to perform
social task when serotonin is released)

while re-uptake inhibitors are dangerous, fluoxetine like
amphetamine causes increased breakdown of neurochemical
involved (but (un)fortunatelly do not release any serotonine,
it is possible only thru chemical interaction of unknown (yet)

yeah, it is surely linked with autism, but noone knows which
way, instead of measuring levels and trying to corelate it
would be much more efficient to drop E and see what happens.
(i saw many people without any social skills (mainly ... geeks)
picking up geek girls on rave parties after E (it is last thing
a geek would do on rave party, usually they chat about their
work or life, which is highly non-social, rave party is usually
aimed at psychedelics, empathy, and feeling the music, and each
other, geeks usually have to do a visual presentation or a
audio mix (or both in a so called 'demo') to express
themselves, while all others with standard social understanding
usually just absorb it ...)

> However, inability to understand art doesn't sound specific
> to autism. There are many other agnosias, amusia and of
> course lack of interest that can explain that. If professor
> Snyder claims he cannot understand art, then his
> understanding or naming of what constitutes artistic skills
> might be somewhat suspect.

amusia can lead to musical autism. there are many kinds of
amusia, the common symptom is 'being a fan of xxx' while
ignoring all other genres, which is somehow normal but only
_on short run_, i.e. someone who is actually digging a piece
can become a fan of sth. for a month, or if'll find a piece
which exactly describes his current personality or social set
it can last even longer.

if someone is listening over and over only to one axiom of
musical language it is a good thing to consider amusia, and
send him to apropriate treatment (i.e. give him rap-tapes,
which are made by amusiacs, or aim him at poetry)

snyder claimed that is unable to create art, maybe he can dig
it, and was particulary interested in graphics.
again - to not mix definitions -
autism is a 'loss of communication disorder'
normally is an _conditon_ and sometimes can be _persistent_
(brain damage)
can occur in areas of communication such as verbalisation,
emotional interpretation, misunderstanding art language (as
value instead of language), can be result of damaged social
memory and lack of social associations, or all at the same time.

amusia is particular musical language disorder similiar to lack
of visual distinguishing between objects, or i.e. daltonism.

it can lead to autism if untreated (hopefully nonpersistent)

i think we can discuss it after releasing of new DSM.


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