Re: the hazards of essentialist glossolalia (was: Re: Meme-set conflicts )

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 06:11:10 MST

From: Damien Broderick <>
>Looking for linguistic roots (the fossils of dead theories that form the
>armature of language) and then elaborating from them arguments about the
>nature of reality is as dangerous as supposing that The Ancients knew
>Mysteries that We Poor Moderns have Forgotten (since the fall of, you know,
>Atlantis and Mu).

Sorry, Damien, but I think we missed each other completely. I never
used the word 'reality' in my post. In my post, I described one Sufi way
('scattering') of presenting concepts or ideas to generate an impression.
This is a different way to present a concept which I had never seen
before anywhere. I'm sorry that I didn't present it well.

In this category of presenting ideas, I would put also stories, photographs,
paintings, and so on. I find that this Sufi approach encodes their ideas
in a concise way, which is useful for me to learn of their concepts if
I read something of theirs that I don't understand. And yes,
I think this one approach of presenting concepts is also poetic.


P.S. That old adage: "The map is not the territory" might apply here.

Amara Graps, PhD email:
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"Take time to consider. The smallest point may be the most essential."
Sherlock Holmes (The Adventure of the Red Circle)

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