Re: META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul languageahead/not wo...

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 13:29:07 MST

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> > > (1) Humor is important, and ridicule can be an effective communication
> > > technique, especially in a medium such as this, where the person with
> > > whom you are directly responding is not the audience of your speech.
> > >
> > > (2) Probably the majority of what people find "offensive" was not
> > > intended to be by the speaker, merely misinterpreted as such by the
> > > listener. People /are/ often offended by simple honesty.
> >
> > The krap that I was the target of when I expressed unpopular
> > views on this list (for one) was most certainly intended to be
> > offensive.
> I agree. Again, you seem to be reading more than what I am writing.

OK. But I think I was reading what you wrote and responding as I
because I have seen it used at times to say that even what I
is not something we want to avoid on this list. I needed

> > I am really running out of patience for this
> > over-intellectualizing ignoring of the obvious and the refusal
> > to say what sort of communication is and is not acceptable and
> > live by it.
> "Intellectualizing" is what I (and others) do. Philosophy
> matters. It's also important for us to examine ALL the assumptions
> our culture makes when we are dedicated to overthrowing many of
> them. Certainly some of that culture is useful, but we do have
> to examine it carefully to determine that.

Playing incessantly with words to the point of sometimes failing
to decide what ethical
behavior we will and will not be bound by is imho an abuse of
intellect. I have
no problem with careful examination.

> > What I received and what I have seen others receive
> > is not acceptable to me. Some of what I myself have said when I
> > have lost my patience with certain individuals is also not
> > acceptable to me. I will not be party to it by doing it myself
> > nor will I excuse, ignore or condone it when others do it.
> Sounds good to me. The only thing I generally object to is the
> creation of written policies without proper examination. Personal
> policies, commitments, and judgments are good things: if someone
> wants to killfile me or rebuke me, I won't object. But written
> policies can have the effect of limiting the scope of discussion,
> and it's important that those not be taken lightly, or based on
> purely cultural assumptions like "civility" without examining
> exactly what their costs and benefits are.

Written policies also form a basis of what we agree on coming in
the door. They can form group ground rules. I believe such
rules (minimal ones)
are important. I don't agree that a basic committment to avoid
ad hominem is purely or significantly (in this context) a
"cultural assumption".
We are a culture of our own. What will we assume and live by
dealing with
one another?
> I agree that politeness has considerable benefits. I completely
> reject the idea that is has no costs.

The costs of what I advocate in this context are not sufficient
not practice a reasonable civility with one another. The cost
of not practicing
it are much higher.

- samantha

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