Re: META: Let's be clear about the ad hominem rule

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 00:02:16 MST

I cannot believe that adult, rational human beings are still
debating whether or not to act civil here. Sad.

- samantha

John Clark wrote:
> Louis Newstrom <> Wrote:
> > "Ad hominem" is a logical fallicy which is disallowed under most rules of
> > debate.
> True.
> >It says "because my opponent is <insulting characteristic> I won't
> > accept his statement".
> Also true, but that's quite different from "because of my opponent's statement
> he is a <insulting characteristic>. Childish? Perhaps. Rude? Certainly.
> Ad hominem? No.
> >I think the term "ad hominem" is quite appropriate for the extropians group.
> Things should say what they mean, the intent of the rule is don't be rude but that's
> not what it says. Personally I think there are times when it's quite appropriate to
> be rude, but that's another matter, others including the owners of this list have a
> different opinion, and as I am a guest here I will comply with their wishes.
> John K Clark

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