Re: The First Human Male Pregnancy

From: ct (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 20:58:13 MST

At 07:55 PM 12/12/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Now, if someone said that "Primo 3M+" is a hoax and a fake image, I'd
wonder why he lacked a sense of inventiveness and conception -:) We
artists summon up a blank slate in our brains and fillit with all sorts of
conceptions. This artist has a vivid imagination and a sense of marketing
and commercial design. I like his work very much. In fact, I think
"Malepregnancy" is a fantastic example of conceptual art realized in genre. Very extropic.I haven't had time to read each page, I more
or less skimmed the layout and imagery.I don't think he is a Performance
Artist, but a Filmmaker and net.artist.

Oh, with connections, there remains the possibility that he could
transition his canvas from the electronic to the flesh, and become the
ultimate Performance it not so?

As far as I know, there is yet to be discovered a substitute for the womb.
A fetus needs this environment to develop and grow for many months before
surviving outside it. (Anybody out there know the record for viability?)
"preemies" also frequently face enormous physical and mental challenges. So
women's BODIES are still absolutely necessary for reproducing life.

Well, technically this isn't true.
Extrauterine pregnancies (also called abdominal pregnancies) are possible,
and an amazing 5% of them are viable. It's very rare, but babies can be
grown abdominally and then born live by surgical delivery. This sometimes
happens when the fertilized egg heads the wrong way down the Fallopian tube
and comes out in the abdomen instead of in the uterus.
All that is necessary is for a fertilized egg to implant in a place where
it can tap into a blood supply. The uterus is ideally suited to this
function, but other internal organs can be attached to; the fertilized egg
produces enzymes which eat into whatever it lands on so that it can attach
and tap into the blood vessels.
There are two catches:
The fetus is essentially a parasite; whereas the uterus is designed to
support the parasite, other internal organs are not, and serious damage can
be done to the host.
If the fetus implants in a place where it can thrive without killing the
host, it can grow to a point where it is viable and can be delivered
surgically. However, this leaves the big problem of what to do about the
implantation site. Again, the uterus is ideally suited to coping with the
eight-inch wound left when the placenta separates; other organs have no
mechanism for helping the placenta to separate and then contracting around
themselves to stop the bleeding.
Current medical practice is to cut the umbilical cord close to the placenta
and leave it inside. If all goes well, it will eventually shrink and be
reabsorbed. There is a serious risk of infection and other complications.
So, although it's possible to grow a baby without a uterus, it's very
unlikely and very dangerous

Male pregnancy has once again hit the news. This is one of those perennial
subjects which journalists like me love to drag out and give a good
shaking. Normally there are one or two men who pop up and say theyre up
for it in a rather earnest rose tinted way. There are shock horror gasps
all round, and then we put it back in the cupboard again ready for the next
time. Nobody ever seems to tell you how it is, so if youre a boy thinking
male pregnancy sounds rather sweet, listen up. Leaving aside the
consequences of having to take all those hormones (lost body hair,
burgeoning bosom etc), abdominal pregnancy remains the most dangerous form
of ectopic pregnancy. It occurs (rarely) in women and maternal death from
extreme blood loss is frequent. In addition about three quarters of the 1
in 20 babies that survive, have serious compression abnormalities - defects
caused by being squashed. Seahorses are about the only creature I know
about that manages male pregnancy. Best leave it to them boys.
Many a woman will wear a smile the day this urban legend morphs into reality.

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