Re: META: what is verbal abuse, anyway? (Caution: foul languageahead/ not wo...

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 10:55:26 MST wrote:
> Eugene Leitl spaketh:
> <<<On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
> > > That's because you're a dumb, cocksucking pigfucker.
> >
> > Now there's an example of a perfectly relevant, useful,
> > expressive ad hominem. Well done.>>>
> >>Instant argument, just add hominem!
> (Of course, the proper endearment form is "you big, dumb dogshit-eating
> hillbilly"). >>
> Now that is so archaic, hillbilly. The proper term is hilljack. Please
> refrain, in the future, from being so 90's. :)~

Hillbilly went out with the 70's (the Beverly Hillbillies). Try 'hick',
'redneck', 'gomer', 'billybob', or the more pajorative 'sheepfucker' or
'cestnoid' (i.e. a product of incest). Never heard 'hilljack' before.

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