Re: Adaptive Intelligence Inc - Incubation

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 18:21:14 MST

Hi Peter,

I am very interested. It is hard to say too much yet as I don't
know much about what you have in mind. In any case, I would be
interested in being a technical contributor. My specialities
don't officially include AI although I have a strong lay
interest in it and some familiarity with the literature. I have
specialized in all things Object Oriented and especially in OO
persistence and distributed OO. Languages and associated
baggage include C++, Objective C, Java, Smalltalk, Common Lisp,
Scheme, CLOS, APL, Fortran, COM, CORBA and a smattering of
several others. I have designed and led the implementation of
major system software projects and worked at about every level
of software imaginable except management.

Please let me know if you would like a resume or more detail.
Also, please keep me updated as more details of your project and
company become available.

- samantha

Peter Voss wrote:
> Friends/ Futurist/ Thinkers,
> I've started a new company tentatively called 'Adaptive Intelligence Inc'.
> The aim of the company is to develop and commercialize an effective (and
> probably also the first) general intelligence software engine. I have big
> plans for the company!
> At this stage I'm looking for staff, partners, and investors - as well as
> any good technical or business advice.
> Positions that I'm trying to fill right now include programmers (trainee,
> medium, and high-level) who are keen to be involved - if not instrumental -
> in engineering artificial cognition. Because this project covers totally new
> territory, they don't need to have AI experience, but they do need to be
> bright and highly motivated. Equity options, telecommuting, and part-time
> employment are possible.
> Investment opportunities cover a wide spectrum of possibilities. Business
> plan details are available on request.
> Please contact me if you know anyone potentially interested in joining the
> team, or have any questions or suggestions. Feel free to pass this on, as
> deemed appropriate.
> Towards increased intelligence...
> Peter Voss
> (310) 822-4533
> - Any and all feedback welcome:
> <>
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