Re: photochemical advance

From: S.J. Van Sickle (
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 14:42:36 MST

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:

> I don't know how reliable a source
> is,
> but it claims industrial sector is responsible for 38% of U.S. national
> energy consumption, and 10% of petroleum consumption.

Statistical Abstract of the United States

list for 1999 35.4% "residential and commercial", 37.8% "industrial and
misc." and 26.8% "transportation". Total 96.6 quadrillion BTU (or, in
more sensible units, roughly 9*10^12 kilowatt/hours, or about 30,000
kilowatt/hours per year per person).

Ah, another table. Residential consumption only at 10.6 quadrillion BTU
per year. Call it 10% of total energy consumption.


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