Re: TRANSPARENCY/CULTURE: NYC surveillance catalog

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Dec 10 2001 - 15:51:12 MST

> The second site, from the Institute for Applied Autonomy, contains an
> interactive map of New York with which users can map routes through the
> city. Users click on their starting point and destination, and i-SEE
> will generate a route for them with the fewest surveillance cameras.
> Note that we
> had trouble using the map with Netscape on a Mac, but no trouble with
> Internet Explorer. Both of these sites are unabashedly anti-surveillance
> technology and will be appreciated by New Yorkers concerned with civil
> liberties issues. [TK]

Sounds like a great service to me, but they need to make their software
give the user a choice: find the route with the fewest cameras or the
route with the most. That way, when I was going to meet the pot
dealer or local call girl, I use the first choice to protect those
honest businesspersons from the police. At all other times, I would
prefer the second choice, also to protect myself and others from the
police (and other criminals).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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