mersenne 39 party

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 23:40:25 MST

I just got back from the Bay Area GIMPS party
at the Tied House in Mountain View, Taxifornia.
I had the time of my life. We had the following
people attend:

Todd Sauke
Chris Brown
Edith Mailolo
Russell Brooks
John Pierce
Ernst Mayer
Brad Bernard
Harvald Alvestrand (all the way from Norway)
Irv Rosenfeld
Shelly Jones
Spike Jones
Scott Kurowski (who most generously bought dinner for
the whole crew)
Donald Knuth (yes, THE Donald Knuth)

I tried to introduce myself to Professor Knuth, but Im afraid
Im not good in the presence of greatness, so I stammered
like Ralph Kramden: "Hello professor, Immm hammina hammina
hammina... My name issss hammina hammina hammina..." etc.

John Pierce took some photos that he will post on his website.
Im the skinny headless goof standing behind Dr. Knuth.

Notice there were exactly 13 attendees. Not only is 13 a prime
number, it is also the fifth Mersenne prime! Fifth! Five is the Third
Mersenne prime! Three is the second Mersenne prime! 2 is twice the
first mersenne prime! And 1 is the only other factor of a Mersenne
prime besides itself! What a remarkable coincidence, friends. I am
so in awe. What are the chances? Practically unimaginable.

Look for the announcement of the new record prime in tomorrow's
newpapers. spike

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