Congratulations to Jessica Lemler and James Sikes

From: John Grigg (
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 22:44:25 MST

Dr. Jerry Lemler(CEO of Alcor) has shared with the world on Cryonet:
The highlight of my week, however, was the announcement of my daughter
Jessica's engagement to Mr. James Sikes. James is attending a local
university, and has been working part time at Alcor, helping Hugh and Mathew with various
projects. Everyone here (including myself) thinks quite highly of James.
He's a likeable fellow from Louisiana, who has earned our good will and respect with
his steady hand and easy affability, tempered with a maturity well beyond his
years. I'm not sure who's getting the better of the bargain here-- they're
both great kids!

I just wanted to publicly congratulate Jessica Lemler and James Sikes on
their engagement! This is very exciting news. You never know what
developments can result from moving a family to a new place. And to think
Dr. Lemler might have thought by moving to Arizona he would not have to
worry about having a southerner as a son in law. lol! James is very
fortunate to have a fiancee whose father thinks the world of him.

very best wishes to the couple,


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