Fwd: Seizing tomorrow

From: Chen Yixiong, Eric (cyixiong@yahoo.com)
Date: Sat Dec 01 2001 - 06:15:43 MST

Project Sociologistics and the New Colony Project hopes to plan for the world of tomorrow, not the world of today or yesterday. Hope
this article helps to explain some of the forward-thinking concepts.


Ask most people and they'll tell you they take the future very seriously. Ask a politician and they'll bore you into the ground with
a 50-point action plan. Hopeless, says Richard Slaughter, who's just become president of the World Futures Studies Federation. He's
a professor of futures studies based at the Australian Foresight Institute within Swinburne University of Technology, and he reckons
the way we think about the future is all wrong. What we should do is study it systematically if we are to stand the faintest chance
of avoiding the disasters that are rushing to meet us. For him, understanding the future may also be the best way to change the
present. Liz Else caught up with him recently


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