Re: Attention, our renewable yet irreplaceable resource, was Re: terrorism, what

From: John Grigg (
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 16:01:02 MST

Is whacking people over the head for old posts they did going to be the new sport around here?

I wonder what the date is on J.R.'s negative cryonics comment? Does he still feel that way? I find it interesting an extropian could feel that way. It would be easy to feel inferior when being brought back into a time where not just machines but humans are vastly improved. But, wouldn't future tech allow for "dysfunctional cryonaut brains" to be fixed? lol

I think J.R. might only be against the ambulances Alcor uses! Explain yourself Mr. Molloy! : )

Michael, they say what in Manga? I watch it too, but don't get the reference.

best wishes,


On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 05:52:28
 Michael M. Butler wrote:
>I dipped into my plonk jar (I don't collect _butterflies_; that's _cruel_)
>and fished out this ether-soaked morsel:
>"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
>> IMO, cryonics is a luddite dream. Instead of freezing dysfunctional brains
>> (maintaining the status quo), we need to build better ones (bringing about a
>> better future).
>> Useless hypotheses, etc.:
>Planning on adding "Ambulances" to your list of "useless hypotheses" any time soon?
>> We move into a better future in proportion as science displaces superstition.
>As they say in manga: "..."
>MMB, screwing the lid back on Mr. Molloy's posts for a while... *replonk*
>My moronic mnemonic for smart behavior: "DICKS" ==
>diplomacy, integrity, courage, kindness, skepticism.

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