From: BigBooster (fm1@amug.org)
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 13:54:49 MST

by Frederick Mann

If you're interested in earning more money -- and keeping
more of your money -- and spending your money according
to your own decisions -- and owning property -- and enjoying
a higher standard of living -- then capitalism may be of
interest to you.

By "capitalism" I understand an economic system characterized
primarily by private ownership of property and voluntary exchange.

  "Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of
individual rights, including property rights, in which all property
is privately owned." -- Ayn Rand

A group of capitalists have proclaimed an official Capitalism
Day. December 2, 2001 is the first Annual International Walk
for Capitalism, and 100+ coordinators and their teams, in
100+ cities in 30+ countries, have pledged to Walk in celebration
of capitalism's ideals and benefits.

You can find more information on the official WalkForCapitalism
site: http://www.walkforcapitalism.org

On December 2, people will walk for capitalism in:
Albania - Tirana
Argentina - Buenos Aires
Australia - Adelaide - Brisbane - Canberra - Melbourne - Perth -
Bangladesh - Dhaka
Belgium - Brussels
Brazil - Portoalegre
Canada - Brampton - Edmonton - Kingston - London - Markham -
                     Mississauga - Montreal - Oakville - Pickering - Sarnia -
                     Stratford - Toronto - Vancouver - Vaughan - Victoria
China - Hong Kong
Costa Rica - San Jose
Czech Republic - Brno - Prague
France - Paris
Germany - Berlin - Dorsten - Munich - Stuttgart
Greece - Thessaloniki
Hungary - Budapest
India - Mumbai - New Delhi
Italy - Brescia - Milan
Korea - Seoul
Lithuania - Vilnus
Netherlands - Amsterdam
New Zealand - Auckland - Christchurch - Hamilton - Wellington -
Nigeria - Lagos
Norway - Bergen - Oslo - Trondheim
Poland - Bydgoszcz - Cracow - Gdansk - Gdynia - Katoiwce - Lodz -
                     Lublin - Poznan - Warsaw - Wroclaw
Romania - Bucharest
Russia - Moscow
Slovakia - Bratislava
Spain - Valencia
Sweden - Gothenburg - Lund - Stockholm - Vaxjo
UK - Bath - London - Manchester - Southampton
USA - Amherst, MA - Annapolis, MD - Atlanta, GA - Austin, TX -
                     Binghamton, NY - Boston, MA - Burlington, VT -
                     Carson City, NV - Columbia, SC - Dayton, OH -
                     Chicago, IL - Detroit, MI - El Paso, TX - Honolulu, HI -
                     Houston, TX - Indianapolis, IN - Miami, FL -
                     Las Vegas, NV - Los Angeles, CA - Louisville, KY -
                     Montgomery, AL - New Haven, CT - New York, NY -
                     Orlando, FL - Portland, OR - Raleigh, NC -
                     Sacramento, CA - Saint Louis, MO -
                     Salt Lake City, UT - Saratoga Springs, FL -
                     Seattle, WA - Silicon Valley, CA - Spokane, WA -
                     Syracuse, NY - Tucson, AZ - Washington, DC -
                     Westminster, MD
Venezuela - Caracas
Yugoslavia - Belgrade

Please join the WALK in the city nearest to you -- details at
http://www.walkforcapitalism.org -- click on the CITY where you
would like to WALK FOR CAPITALISM -- contact the coordinator,
if necessary.

If you were "educated" in a government (communist/fascist?)
school, you may not appreciate the differences between
capitalism, communism, and fascism.

According to the 'Communist Manifesto' by Marx and Engels
(first published in 1848), the following ten steps are necessary
for a communist takeover:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of
land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means
of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport
in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned
by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the
improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies,
especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries,
gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by
a more equitable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition
of children's factory labor in its present form.

For an evaluation of the extent to which communism has been
implemented in the USA, see "AMERICA - CAPITALIST OR
COMMUNIST?" http://www.buildfreedom.com/tl/wua11.shtml

In 'Innovism' http://www.mega.nu:8080/innovism.html
Daniel Pouzzner describes fascism:

"Primitively, fascism is a system in which a population
is organized into a command hierarchy, with an individual
or small council at the apex. Nominally, fascism permits
individual initiative and self-determination only for those
at the apex, and practically, permits them to no one. The
activities of an individual are dictated in their near totality,
including his vocation, residence, and associations.
Everything in the nation - including its inhabitants - is the
property of those at the apex, to be organized, utilized, or
disposed of, as they command. Traditionally, fascism
includes virulent racism and ethnocentrism, but these
are not so much characteristics of fascism as tools of

In a section under the heading "Status Quo," Pouzzner
describes the advances of communism and fascism
in the USA:

"Among the key fascist features (severe social regimentation)
of the status quo are:

* cryptography export restrictions, made slightly less onerous
by recent moderate liberalizations
* youth curfews
* loiter laws
* gang garb laws
* profanity bans
* seatbelt and helmet laws
* sex laws and sex toy bans
* onerous drug laws
* onerous excise taxes
* firearm bans and onerous restrictions
* night club, porn shop, and nude/topless bar persecution by
the state (ex post facto zoning and nuisance law abuse)

Clearly, some of the socialist and Marxist features are also

See also Pouzzner's 'The Architecture of Modern Political
Power: The New Feudalism' http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/

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