Re: "Cloning Breakthrough" not one

From: Max More (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 00:34:12 MST

At 05:14 AM 11/27/01, you wrote:
> > > I think the basic arguments fall into a number of classes:
> >
> > Thanks, Anders. If anyone has any ideas, please post them up. I think we
> > should put this all together as a sort of FAQ or 'talking points' memo
> > for clone proponents to study at length, especially before giving
> > interviews or taking part in debates.
>Thanks, and a good idea! I think there are several pages out there with
>arguments for cloning that could be incorporated into such a FAQ.

If any of you actually get such a collection of arguments together, ExI
could publish them as part of the renewed FAQ that is finally making its
way to publication.


Max More, Ph.D. or
Strategic Philosopher
President, Extropy Institute. <>

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