Re: neo-luddites are "US Taliban"

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 15:58:58 MST

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001, jeff davis wrote:


Hmmmmm... Jeff, I'm really not sure I understand your
position on these issues, do you think it might be possible
for you to state it a somewhat more clearly? :-;

On the lighter side... I got a telephone call today from
an individual at the office of "Tom Davis" (R) Washington
State [Not a representative of my district in Congress].
They invited me to listen to a message from Mr. Davis
inviting me to join the "Washington Business Leader"
roundtable (something that seemed to have the smell of
"fundraising") in an effort to support efforts of representatives
to pass bills to accelerate depreciation, lower capital gains
tax rates, etc. (all the typical things businesses should support
and something the Republicans are pushing on in our "economic"
crisis that will have little or no effect in the short term and
perhaps even a negative effect in the long term).

I calmly explained to them that I was the president of
a biotechnology company and that I viewed the position
of the House and the President on cloning as highly
unacceptable. Not only was it bad for my business but
I viewed it as tremendously unacceptable to value a
cell or collection of cells over the possibility of
developing therapeutic treatments for living humans.

The individual said they understood and ended the conversation.
I could almost hear the wheels turning on the other end of
the telephone line -- "... perhaps this was *not* the correct
individual to call ..."

I don't know... Perhaps it would have been more fun
to go in as a mole, wait for the right time, then
denounce an appropriate speaker from the back of the room.


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