CLONING: The plot thickens

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 21:56:29 MST

Joy, joy... It's so wonderful when the idiots stand up and announce themselves. Thinking back...

Around 1974, this group of serious marxist CPU types came to Columbia, South Carolina, with the idea of setting up cells and promoting various marxist activism in connection with the local university. A John Birch Society grad student had learned all their jargon and read more of their literature than they had, so he joined up with them and managed to completely waste the time of the entire group for the week or two that they had scheduled for their foray. They never caught on.

You do have to have the stomache for that sort of thing. Sometimes it can be fun, though. Another acquaintance of mine during that period hung out with a campus Satanist group. The Bob Jones U. students used to storm the campus with their 3-piece suits and Bibles on a regular basis. Finally the Satanists decided enuf! and borrowed some suits themselves, met the Bob Jones people and took them to lunch, not mentioning their competitive affiliation. After lunch, the Bob Jones students suddenly began having miraculous experiences, seeing virgins (a real trick on the USC campus, believe me), and burning tablets, etc. I don't know if they ever figured out what had actually happened.

BTW, all of you that missed LOSCON, missed a truly good conference, with a whole lot of extropian themes.

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