Re: Post Of The Month

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 11:07:18 MST

I also enjoyed Hal's "Champion Extropian posters of the month" award
which should go each month to whoever makes the most posts. Too bad I
only saw him do it once- perhaps someone could write a simple script
to send it out each month?

"According to, Mike
Lorrey is the champion Extropian poster so far this month, producing 205
messages in just over 12 days. Samantha Atkins takes a distant second
place with 147 messages, with Eugene Leitl and JR Molloy close at her
heels with 141 and 135 respectively.

Congratulations to all our high-volume posters for adding so much to the
inboxes of all subscribers. Not many of us have the wit and brainpower
to produce over 10 messages a day of high enough quality that we feel
proud to send them to a single mailing list. For someone like Mike to
average 15 a day is truly unbelievable. Truly, our cups runneth over."

"J. R. Molloy" wrote:
> From: "E. Shaun Russell" <>
> > It will be chosen by Max and me. Keep in mind that the post we use won't
> > necessarily be "the best" on the list, as that would be totally
> > subjective. The selected post will, however, have the parameters I
> > outlined in my previous post.
> I think the Post Of The Month is a splendid idea for improving list content.
> Did you originate it?

Brian Atkins
Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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