Re: NEWS: "Embryo Cloning Breakthrough"

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 20:09:52 MST

"Robert J. Bradbury" wrote:
> > Apparently they can do this as they are privately funded, and so not
> > subject to the tight restrictions introduced by the Bush Administration.
> I believe that under the legislation passed by the U.S. House and
> proposed in the Senate what they did is likely to be illegal.
> I posted the URL's for the legislation back around August I think.
> You would have to read the bills in detail (and probably review
> the methods section of the ACT paper) to determine if they would have
> violated the legislation.
> The fine is stiff: > $1,000,000 -- so unless they decide to challenge
> it constitutionally it is likely that passage of the bills would
> halt most research of this type in the United States.

A good heads up. If this bill is now in the Senate the good
senators are likely to be flooded by outraged calls that are
confused about what this type of cloning technology is all
about. It is a good time to give your senators a call. Does
anyone happen to have the designation/number of the proposed

- samantha

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