Re: Quality & quantity of weapons (was: I was wrong...)

From: John Clark (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 14:42:53 MST

Mike Lorrey <> Wrote:

>I think that it's just abominable that we've stopped vaccinating for
>smallpox since 1980.

I couldn't agree more. I hate to admit it but I wouldn't have said that 3 months ago.

>Anthrax and other likely bioweapon diseases should also have vaccines widely
>available in community civil defense kits. DNA sensor chip technologies are
>also another way to go

More agreement. Such measures are not flashy but would increase national security
about a thousand times more that a star wars ICBM shield and at 2% of the cost.

>inexpensive devices that are constantly sniffing for various pathogens, built into
>your wristwatch.

Might work.

         John K Clark

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