Re: Spike makes a good point...

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 13:46:26 MST

John Grigg wrote:
> YES!, I also remember the posts made a year ago about the horrors of the Taliban. It is amazing to think about how the tables have turned in such a shocking way since than. Somehow I feel it is a victory for the list in that we were tuned in on how th
ings were there, and now feel even more connected to the liberation of the nation from Taliban oppression.
> Now, just maybe we have some kind of special "extropian mojo" here! And what we need to do is refocus it on some other oppressed group. Should we use it on China?
> Or if not, how about Utah! It may have to be liberated from the Mormons before the winter olympics happen! Right Greg? LOL! Actually, I hear from Mormon friends that it has already been pretty well corrupted with R-rated movies, caffeinated drinks, a
nd watered down alcohol. But, the Mormons still hold fast in spite of that! ;)

Must be the asbestos in their special sanctified holy long underwear...

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