Re: List Rules Part 1 (Was: Ad hominem? I think not.)

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 09:53:57 MST

From: "Samantha Atkins" <>
> > From: "John Clark" <>
> > > Everybody was strangely quiet however when a good 10 days before
> > > my famous use of that word you called me an "immoral curr".
> >
> > I noticed that too.
> > How do you suppose we might explain this strange imbalance?
> >
> Perhaps that you see what you wish to see and disregard the
> rest?

First you call John Clark an "immoral curr," the list is strangely quiet about
it, then John Clark calls you a name, and the list is upset about it, then I
mention the imbalance.
Please explain how your comment explains this (if you can).

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