PC disk indexing/search engine?

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp-lib.org)
Date: Sat Nov 24 2001 - 21:04:47 MST

Hi. Assume I'm saddled with Wi98 for the time being.
Doug Engelbart appears to like Powermarks for managing
URLs, and I've got the trial version. But that doesn't
do anything about my hard drive mess. Agrep runs out of
memory fast when you have 60 gig, it seems. Some sort
of personal local search engine/indexer seems in order.

A long time ago, I forked over a few bucks for Personal
Altavista 2.n. It was flaky but fun. Don't care to try it
on my base platform, though. Don't care that much about
stemming, either--I can do that in my head.

Alex Bokov, others: what's out there that doesn't suck
(modulo the whole M$ issue)? Freeware? Shareware?

I've turned over several rocks but I'm not finding anything
good yet.



My moronic mnemonic for smart behavior: "DICKS" == 
diplomacy, integrity, courage, kindness, skepticism.

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