Bring on da' Big Mac's

Date: Thu Nov 22 2001 - 14:15:08 MST

Thursday November 22 11:55 AM ET

New Fat-Zapping Treatment Being Tested in Israel

<<By Danielle HaasJERUSALEM (Reuters) - A U.S.-based company is hoping to
cash in on the obsession to fight flab by zapping fat cells with
high-frequency sound waves in what they say is a safe, permanent and
non-invasive alternative to liposuction.The UltraShape company, which
conducts most of its research in Israel, said it is hoping to destroy fat
cells using sound waves guided by non-invasive ultrasonic technology.So far
experimentation has been carried out on pigs in southern Israel whose high
fat content makes them ideal for testing. But clinical trials are expected to
begin within six months in the hope of getting approval from the U.S Food and
Drug Administration (news - web sites) by 2004.>>

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