Re: Ad hominem? I think not.

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 10:40:24 MST

> Charlie Stross <> Wrote:
> >The root causes of the complex are _far_ more complex than "evil American
> >oil companies" or the proximate cause (World Trade Center attack). And
> >it can't be fixed without addressing the fundamental problems.
> A man is chasing you with a bloody ax, how do you address this problem?
> You can
> A) Appoint a blue ribbon committee to study the social, political, economic and biological
> factors that have produced such a person, with emphasis on education and the influence
> western technology including the internet has had on values and ideas
> Or you can
> B) Put a bullet in his brain before he chops your head off.

/After/ you've done (B), it's a good idea to look at to look at
doing (A) so won't have to keep doing (B).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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