Re: Lind echoes Burch's Extro 5 address

From: Robert Coyote (
Date: Sun Nov 18 2001 - 23:06:22 MST

What about extranormal phenomena and what is considered "the paranormal",
I'm an atheist that believes in "other realities" is that allowed?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Samantha Atkins" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: Lind echoes Burch's Extro 5 address

: Sigh. Why not say it a bit more clearly? Some see the conflict
: as between materialism/rationalism/scientism/humanism and all
: spirituality - not just fundamentalism. In my opinion this is a
: huge and splintering mistake. Does the division leave room for
: those, like me, who are both profoundly spiritual and utterly
: dedicated to human progress and transformation? Or are the
: "good guys" only those who firmly eschew any/all spirituality as
: "supernaturalism"?
: - samantha

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