RE: BIOTECH: Cloning now legal in England

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Sun Nov 18 2001 - 15:36:03 MST

> At 11:45 AM 11/17/01 -0800, Robert wrote:
> >
> >Well the British courts have weighed in and you can
> >now get yourself cloned in England...
> >
> >See:
> >
>Made me smile...

Damien replied
>It's not an embryo? If this strange opinion gets accepted, it might imply
>that a being grown from such an `organism' is not a human. But surely the
>law is not such an ass.

I read this the same way. The fine print, as it were, says that the court
ruled that "cloned embryos" are not embryos at all, and thus outside laws
governing human embryos. Not good.

In a way it's the kind of thing that has to happen, though. The definitions
of what is human are going to get a hell of a lot blurrier... looks like the
public debate proper starts now.


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