Re: The US Are Talking To You

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Sun Nov 11 2001 - 17:36:55 MST

Now if we can practice what we preach. :|

Amara Graps wrote:
> Jacques Du Pasquier:
> >Do the US already effectively communicate their views to the people, in
> >their own language ?
> According to the latest Economist, it started just this last week. Before
> this last week, the US administration's broadcast presented in English
> lame messages ("Attention Taliban. You are condemned. Did you know that?")
> Now diplomats are responding directly on the local al-Jazeera network,
> giving interviews in Arabic.

My moronic mnemonic for smart behavior: "DICKS" == 
diplomacy, integrity, courage, kindness, skepticism.

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