Re: Non-sensory experiences

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 11:39:27 MST

> > While I certainly agree that the vast majority of these events are
> > sensory, there is no more reason to believe they _all_ are without
> > exception than there is to believe that every memory location in a
> > computer has a value that came from some input port.
> But without an actual example of an experience which exists independent
> of any sensory event, there is no reason to believe in such.

It's naturally difficult to describe such examples; I did my best in
the earlier article, and while some of the examples I gave may not
apply, at least some of them surely hint at the kind of thing I am
talking about.

Besides, I think your assumption is an inappropriate use of Occam's
razor: we should disbelieve the existance of something if we have
_no reason_ to think it exists; but the mere fact that we can't
come up with a handy example (which may just be a personal failing
on my part to communicate) shouldn't be taken that seriously when
we _do_ have reasons (specifically, our knowledge of how the brain
works) to believe they exist. We don't really have a good example
of a black hole either; but we have good reason to think they
exist, and we even think we've spotted the side-effects of them.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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