Re: meteoric bursts of light

From: scerir (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 01:10:54 MST

> In the Oct 27 issue of The Economist, pg. 92 is a newsbit that warmed
> my heart:
> "When a baby is born in Istanbul's big maternity hospital, the new
> parents can press a button triggering a meteoric burst of light
> on the bridge over the Bosphorus [river] that links Asia and Europe.
> For its Italian creator, Alberto Garutti, this light piece, activated
> on average of 70 times a day, is a way for people across the city
> to celebrate life itself."
> Amara

For some reason this reminds me of
something Fernando Pessoa used to say:
"Vive-nos a vida, não nós a vida."

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