RE: Non-sensory experiences

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 11:13:12 MST

>*Disclaimer: Unless the non-sensory experience means that the
>experience has little or no consequence, is unimportant, or is a
>nonissue. Yet, if this were the meaning, I'd rather use "low-sensory
>experience". I don't think any experience can exist without some
>feel, smell, touch, image or sound. If the experience is a memory
>occurring in a void, then the mind will still conjure up some sense
>of feel, smell, touch, image or sound. If the experience is a void
>within a void, then something has got to recognize the void as an
>experience, and the act of recognizing it would be connected to some
>aspect of a sense experience wouldn't it?

Easy to become wrapped in a loop! Here's something to ponder:

       "sensory-deprivation tanks"

Have you ever given thought to the resulting benefits that these
tanks provide?

Sensory-deprivation tanks are recommended for people like me with
repetitive-strain-injuries (I must keep rough track of my daily
typing, or else flare-ups occur).

The "experience benefit" of these tanks is to allow a total
relaxation of the muscles, much like how biofeedback teaches us to
"let go" of muscle tension. Many people don't even realize how tight
they are holding their muscles until they try one of these physiological


Amara Graps, PhD email:
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"If you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into
you." - -Nietzsche

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