Re: Citizenship in any form

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 22:09:13 MST wrote:
> check this site out carefully. It is a bit long... but you will never
> look at community citizenship the same again.

Nope, I view it quite the same as I did before. Any to everyone else
on the site, I say: don't waste your time with this link.

In summary: someone spots a few ways the laws, especially the US
Constitution, could be interpreted radically differently than the way
that the current government does interpret it, and tries to use this
new view to justify freedom from the law. Utterly not addressed is the
practical matter: no matter how much logic you have on your side, yes,
the US government *will* act like a ruthless dictator from time to
time; also, the fact that the Constitution creates the judicial branch
to validate or invalidate any given interpretation of the law, and it
has rather consistently disagreed with the "freedom from all law" point
of view, therefore "freedom from all law" is *not* justified by the
Constitution. Yet another individual or small group protesting on that
basis will merely create one or a few more federal inmates for varying
length of time, depending on the degree to which freedom from law is

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