Re: that secret password (was: Re: Cyborg Dreams on Background Briefing)

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 06:42:24 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 02:15 PM 11/4/01 -0500, Eliezer wrote:
> >However, just for fun, I'll offer a bounty of $10, payable via Paypal, to
> >the first person who can give me the secret Extropian password created by
> >Spike.
> You think you can buy it so cheaply from Spike?

No, not at all. Spike doesn't know the password, right? This doesn't
make the challenge impossible, but it does make it very difficult.

-- -- -- -- --
Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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