Re: Life Span Extension

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun Nov 04 2001 - 15:15:31 MST

As much as I admire the work that Simon and his associates
are doing it is worth offering a reality check to this discussion.

The SOD2 (MtSOD) defficient mice die ~ 1 week after birth.
The novel anti-oxidant mimics (SCSs) extend life to 3-4x that lifespan.
The *normal* mouse lifespan is 2-3 years.

So while the new drugs extend life, they do not come anywhere close
to the lifespan of a mouse with a normal genome.

I would argue that the real solutions are in genome enhancements
rather than supplementations of vitamins or gene/protein-mimics.

Of course, the real solutions must be created and subjected to
scientific analysis before we can do more than grasp at straws.


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