Re: Solar Wealth

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 10:26:31 MST

Interesting analysis. One thing I think should be considered is that
flat unarable or minimally arable land is not only far easier to install
higher efficiency solar panels on vs. using agriculture, it has less of
a cost for the environment as well, so countries like Australia, Egypt,
etc with significant percentages of desert have the greatest development
potential. Furthermore, installing such technology a few meters above
the surface would also help cool it down sufficiently to permit the
reforestation of large tracts of this land.

The fact that Japan is in the 'poor' category, despite its great obvious
wealth and infrastructure, is testament against complaints about areas
being 'products of their environment'. The most important source of
energy is human imagination and drive, which are idependent of local
natural resources.

"Robert J. Bradbury" wrote:
> I did a really brief paper this morning on looking at current
> and potential future solar wealth. In large part this was
> an exercise to see what areas are likely to continue to be
> sources of political trouble due to resource shortages.
> The paper is here:
> Any discussion is welcome.
> Robert

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