LE: Life Extension Update 2001.10.26

From: Technotranscendence (neptune@mars.superlink.net)
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 16:16:17 MDT




WHAT'S HOT: Zinc prevents esophageal cancer in rats, Vitamin C supplements
associated with significantly lower gastric cancer risk

FEATURED PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK: Life Extension Mix, Organic green tea

LIFE EXTENSION MAGAZINE: Does green tea aid in cancer prevention?

Don't miss it!

Exciting gene discovery

An advance online article published in the journal Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, details the discovery by researchers at the
NIH National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the ability of a gene
responsible for the enzyme methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA) to regulate
antioxidant defense in mammals. Methionine sulfoxide reductase repairs
oxidative (free radical) damage to free and protein bound methionine, which
are especially sensitive to oxidation.

In order to better understand the gene's actions, National Heart Lung and
Blood Institute researchers led by Jackob Moskovitz bred seventeen mice
lacking the MsrA gene, and compared them with twenty-two mice with at least
one copy of the gene. When the mice lacking the gene were exposed to 100%
oxygen, creating a condition of oxidative stress, they showed greater
sensitivity than the control mice and had higher tissue levels of carbonyl
derivatives, which are oxidized protein. The lifespan of the mice lacking
both copies of the MsrA gene averaged 40% less than the control group, with
the MsrA deficient mice experiencing shorter lifespans under both normal and
high oxygen conditions. Deletion of the MsrA gene also caused a gait
disorder in the mice to develop after the age of six months, indicating
brain damage.

Oxidation of proteins by oxygen free radicals is associated with many
diseases that occur with aging. MsrA may be important in preventing these
diseases, as well as preventing neurologic disorders, by protecting brain
cells from reactive oxygen molecules. The researchers' next project
involves creating an animal model that overexpresses MsrA, in order to
determine if this will extend lifespan. The finding may aid in the search
to develop antiaging drugs.

WHAT'S HOT - Visit What's Hot every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the
latest life extension news:

Zinc prevents esophageal cancer in rats

In a study published in the October 17 2001 issue of the Journal of the
National Cancer Institute, zinc-deficient rats administered the carcinogen
N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine (NMBA) were protected from esophageal tumor
development when zinc was later given. Zinc deficiency is known to increase
esophageal cell proliferation and the incidence of esophageal tumors induced
by this carcinogen.

Five groups of rats were fed a zinc deficient diet for five weeks followed
by treatment with NMBA. Four of the five groups were then fed
zinc-replenished diets at one, 24, 72 and 432 hours following NMBA
administration. At twenty-four hours to two weeks, the esophagi of the mice
were examined for the incidence of cell proliferation or presence of
apoptosis, the programmed destruction of unwanted cells. The incidence of
tumor development was determined after fifteen weeks.

Ninety-three percent of the rats who did not receive zinc replenishment
developed esophageal tumors. Zinc replenishment begun one hour after NMBA
was given reduced the incidence of tumors to only 8% of the animals. Zinc
replenishment given later was still effective, with 14% of those receiving
it after 24 hours, 19% of those receiving zinc after 72 hours, and 48% of
those receiving the mineral after 432 hours developing tumors. Twenty-four
and 30 hours after zinc was replenished, the esophagi of the rats had an
increase in apoptotic cells and double the expression of Bax protein, which
stimulates apoptosis. Zinc replenishment within an hour of NMBA
administration lowered epithelial thickness from 10-20 layers to 3-5 layers.

Vitamin C supplements significantly associated with lower gastric cancer

Cancers of the stomach and esophagus have been rapidly rising for the past
three decades. In the attempt to find out why, a National Cancer Institute
sponsored study conducted by researchers at Yale University School of
Medicine discovered that vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, beta-carotene and
fiber intake are all associated with lower rates of stomach and esophageal
cancer, and that vitamin C supplements are significantly associated with
lowered risk. Conversely, animal protein, dietary cholesterol and vitamin
B12 intake were associated with an increased risk of this type of cancer.
However, vitamin B12 is naturally associated with many animal foods.

The population-based study, published in the October 2001 issue of the
journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, examined data
obtained by interview of 1,095 patients who had confirmed esophageal
adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia, esophageal squamous
cell carcinoma, and noncardia gastric adenocarcinoma, as well as 687
individuals who did not have cancer, who served as controls. Study
participants were recruited from Washington, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Data obtained during the interviews regarding nutrient intake was correlated
with cancer incidence. A separate analysis found a link between obesity and
this group of cancers.

Esophageal reflux

What the English have called dyspepsia or heartburn is actually esophageal
reflux. The problem is caused by the backflow of stomach acid upward into
the lower esophagus. In normal digestion, the valve that separates the
esophagus and stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), opens to allow
food to pass into the stomach and then closes to prevent the food and acidic
stomach juices from flowing back up. Esophageal reflux occurs when the LES
relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times causing the
stomach contents to back up. Sometimes, particularly in obese people, the
opening through the diaphragm that allows the esophagus to pass from the
chest to the abdomen becomes large. This is called a hiatal hernia and may
result in esophageal reflux.

The stomach has a lining that protects it from the effects of the acid and
because the esophagus lacks this lining, the stomach acid that refluxes will
cause pain, inflammation (esophagitis), and damage. Excessive backflow of
the stomach contents into the esophagus causes gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD). Untreated GERD can result in precancerous changes called
Barrett's esophagus.

The constant irritation of stomach acids on the lining of the esophagus can
result in an increased risk of esophageal cancer and esophagitis.
Antioxidant nutrients can protect against esophageal inflammation and,
according to published studies, they may lower the risk of esophageal
cancer. If you suffer from heartburn, you should consider taking 3 tablets
of Life Extension Mix with each meal to help reduce your risk of esophageal
cancer and esophagitis. Life Extension Mix, is a high-potency multi-nutrient
formula containing nutrients that have been shown to reduce the risk of
gastric and esophageal cancers.


Life Extension Mix

Since 1983, LIFE EXTENSION MIX has been reformulated fourteen times to
reflect new scientific findings about preventing disease and slowing
premature aging. Foundation members use LIFE EXTENSION MIX as the
cornerstone of an overall program to maintain an optimal state of health.

The 89 ingredients contained in LIFE EXTENSION MIX provide broad-spectrum
protection against the molecular mechanisms involved in degenerative disease
and aging. What makes LIFE EXTENSION MIX so different from other
multinutrient formulas is that it:

1.Provides the optimal dose for most nutrients

2.Provides the most bioavailable form of each nutrient

3.Contains only pharmaceutical-grade nutrients

Organic green tea bags

Surveys conducted in Japan show that people who consumed green tea had much
lower incidence of stomach, liver, pancreatic, breast, lung, esophageal and
skin cancers. In some studies, green tea prevented cancer altogether in
animals genetically bred to develop cancer.

Green tea may prevent cancer in the following ways:

Neutralizing cancer-causing agents

Protecting cells against mutation from cancer-causing agents

Protecting against free radical damage

Protecting against cellular damage from ionizing radiation

Does green tea aid in cancer prevention?
By Ivy Greenwell

A review of the published scientific literature indicates that green tea has
a strong protective effect against cancer and other diseases. One study,
however, failed to demonstrate that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of
stomach cancer. The media used this study to attack the value of green tea.
In this article, we discuss the one negative report and point to numerous
positive studies that document green tea's anticancer properties. We also
reveal findings showing that stomach cancer is a preventable disease.

Although the rates of gastritis and stomach cancer have declined in this
century, stomach cancer is the second most common cancer in the world, after
lung cancer. It remains the most common cause of cancer death in Japan and
Korea. Stomach cancer is also the most common cancer in China, among both
men and women.

A great deal of epidemiological evidence points to certain components of a
traditional diet that appear to be causally involved in carcinogenesis: very
salty foods, smoked foods and pickled foods. Many Japanese enjoy salty
treats such as salt-cured dikon with every meal. Contrary to the sentimental
view, not all traditional ethnic foods are good for health. The
pre-refrigeration practice of preserving foods by smoking and/or heavily
salting them has a great potential for harm. A diet high in sodium and
smoked and pickled foods, especially if combined with heavy smoking and
drinking, has been repeatedly associated with increased risk of stomach
cancer. High sodium intake alone is estimated to increase the risk of
stomach cancer up to six times (Lam 1999). Thus, reducing salt intake is the
cornerstone of gastric cancer prevention.

Currently, stomach cancer kills one million people every year worldwide.
This is especially tragic in view of our knowledge that stomach cancer is
relatively easy to prevent. The great majority of stomach cancer cases could
be eliminated. We can minimize the risk of stomach cancer by eradicating H.
pylori infection, avoiding heavily salted foods, smoked foods,
nitrite-containing and pickled foods, and by consuming an antioxidant-rich
diet based on fresh rather than processed food, together with supplements
known to have anticarcinogenic benefits, including vitamins C, E and
beta-carotene, selenium and green tea extract.


Saturday, October 27, is your last chance to hear Oz Garcia live on the Life
Extension Radio Hour. South Florida listeners can tune in WJNA 1040 AM from
11:30 am to 12:30 pm eastern time, or anyone can listen live via Life
Extension's website by going to http://www.lef.org/radio/ Oz will be
delving further into his new book, Oz Garcia's Healthy, Hi-Tech Body, to
discuss hormones, supplements, and more. Phone in your questions on
1-877-644-1400. If you miss this week's show, check out the archives at

Visit our website at www.lef.org and take part in our weekly poll. We need
your feedback!

If you have questions or comments on this issue or past issues of Life
Extension Weekly Update or on any other life extension topics, send them to
ddye@lifeextension.com or call 1 800 841 5433 extension 7716.

Have a safe and healthy Halloween (No candy!) (Well, maybe just one piece .
. .)

Dayna Dye
Editor, Life Extension Weekly Update
Life Extension Foundation
1 800 841 LIFE

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