Re: Anthrax linked to 911and Bin Laden

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 11:07:13 MDT

>From: "John Clark" <>
>To: <>
>CC: "transhuman" <>
>Subject: Anthrax linked to 911and Bin Laden
>Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:46:13 -0400
>It really doesn't look like a lone crazy domestic biology student.
>According to
>today's New York Times and contrary to other reports the Anthrax was
>extremely sophisticated and capable of widespread damage. Not only was the
>particle size very small, uniform and lacking in impurities but more
>important it
>was treated to reduce its electrostatic charge that would tend to make it
>together. This would also explain how one sealed letter could infect so
>many people.
>Only 3 places on Earth are known to have the expertise to do this, the USA,
>former Soviet Union, and Iraq. Three world class experts on germ warfare
>told the
>newspaper that government statements playing down the powder's potency came
>from ignorance or an impulse to calm the public's nerves.
>Microbiologist William C Patrick who once made bio weapons for the USA said
>" It's remarkably free of extraneous material, it's electrostatic free, and
>its in
>high concentration." He called reports that the Anthrax was of poor quality
>"nonsense". He said "The only difference between this and weapons grade is
>the size of the production."
>Microbiologist Richard Spertzel who inspected for biological weapons for
>UN in Iraq said " there's no question this is weapons quality, it has all
>characteristics, fine particles and readily dispersible".
>Al Zelicoff a physician at the Sandia National Laboratory said "These
>people know
>what they're doing, I'm truly worried they have the keys to the kingdom."
> John K Clark

The recent low key manueverings (see the recent news stories about how
anonymous highly placed sources leaned to domestic terrorists as anthrax
terrorists) of CorpGovMedia to gently disassociate the anthrax from
immigrants in America was interesting, but not, I suppose, particularly
surprising, considering the huge monies that immigration brings in daily for
CorpGovMedia...water does indeed run downhill....

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