
From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 09:43:55 MDT

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >
> > Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > >
> > > There is nothing wrong with the government forcefully prying
> > > open my mind or yours on the least suspicion of wrong doing or
> > > of withholding information it wishes to acquire? What could be
> > > more a use of force than this? What happened to the 5th
> > > amendment? What happened to privacy? What happened to the
> > > sacrosanct individual? All gone for a little more "security".
> >
> > Prisoners of War do not have 5th Amendment rights, since their actions
> > are not considered 'crimes' per se. Moreover, nobody has a 5th amendment
> > right in respect to knowledge of events yet to occur.
> Citizens and foreign nationals pulled in in an open sweep on no
> grounds or very weak grounds or their nationality or the
> ethnicity or their religion or age and gender or some
> combination ... are "prisoners of war"? Excuse me?

Once again, you are talking out your ear. Almost all were swept up on
immigration violations. The rest were swept up because they had personal
interaction with the known hijackers or with other al Qaeda operatives.

In a war of insurgency, as this one is, there are no front lines to
'capture' prisoners on. This ain't no Stalag 13, no "Hogan's Heros",
lady. Wake up and smell the patchouli. The enemy has infiltrated our
homeland, they walk among us, dress like us, and try to act like good
little westernized muslims.

Of the four particular prisoners I spoke of, who are known to have been
involved in the 9-11 events, I have absolutely no compunctions about
using any means to interrogate them. For the rest, I'd give them the
option of staying here and talking or being shipped home to their own
government police agencies along with a list of questions to ask. Those
that talk, and have no probable cause, get released and/or deported (if
they are breaking immigration law already). As far as I know, there are
only about 150 of the 800+ still in detention, so our government isn't
being as extreme as you are trying to make out here.

> People do not have the right to say "I don't know" without
> having their minds tampered with by force to see if maybe they
> do know or say they do under such influences and coercion?
> Since when?

Since this is NOT a civilian criminal case. This is a war. They ain't
the same thing. Intelligence collection, especially in preventing more
war crimes, is of paramount importance.

> The majority of these people are not even accused of having
> knowledge but are brought in just in case they do or in order
> for the government to look like it is doing something, even if
> it is wrong, morally questionable and very dangerous to human
> and civil rights.

How do you know that?

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