
From: Randy Smith (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 10:52:09 MDT

>From: "Smigrodzki, Rafal" <SmigrodzkiR@MSX.UPMC.EDU>
>To: "''" <>
>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 12:18:32 -0400
>MIke Lorrey wrote:
> > THe only thing that bothers me is that there are those who are so
> > interested in stripping lifelong Americans of more liberties but bristle
> > at the idea that it is somehow wrong to use sodium pentathol on detained
> > non-citizen suspects who are known associates of bin Laden and are
> > refusing to talk.
>Samantha replied:
>It is WRONG. Do you belief for a minute that the precedent will
>not be applied to US citizens suspected of aiding and abetting
>terrorists? Especially when what that label can be applied to
>is currently ultra-fuzzy? How about a bit of torture of mere
>suspects while we are about it? Do you think it is open season
>on "non-citizens" just because of 9-11? Would you like the same
>treatment when you go abroad? Would you like this treatment on
>mere suspicion without legal counsel? The day that the US
>government uses such methods is the day it becomes my sworn
>### There is IMO nothing wrong with narcoanalysis, and no reason why it
>shouldn't be used to interrogate suspected terrorists, tax evaders,
>politicians before and after elections, as well as candidates for hire on
>the police force. I do not see any relationship of this subject to torture.
>The government should start openly using and popularizing narcoanalysis for
>public and private use.

There are probably good points on both sides of this argument. However, the
point that I would like to bring into the public "debate" is that being an
American citizen gives you certain rights and benefits when in America.

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