Re: What is Bin Rotten was your neighbor?

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Oct 22 2001 - 10:44:48 MDT

John Clark wrote:
> Greg Burch wrote:
> > one of these days soon I'll be writing [...] a defense of my endorsement of
> >state action in the present crisis, given my vocal libertarianism in the past
> I agree. I love the libertarian philosophy but I love life even more. George Bush
> you have done a lot of stupid things but now is not the time to criticize you, the
> stuff you have done in the past month seems fine to me and I'm very glad I don't
> have you're job. George, I wish you well.

THe only thing that bothers me is that there are those who are so
interested in stripping lifelong Americans of more liberties but bristle
at the idea that it is somehow wrong to use sodium pentathol on detained
non-citizen suspects who are known associates of bin Laden and are
refusing to talk.

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