Re: The other side of the story.

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sat Oct 20 2001 - 08:52:21 MDT

I see nothing in your reference that disputes my assertion.

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> Mike,
> You should do a bit of looking before you assume you know the
> story and I am "talking out [my] ear".
> from
> Wahhabi
> Wahhabi
> Pronounced As: wähäb , reform movement in Islam,
> originating in Arabia. It was founded by Muhammad ibn Abd
> al-Wahab (c.1703-1791), who taught that all accretions to
> Islam after the 3d cent. of the Muslim era-i.e., after
> c.950-were spurious and must be expunged. This view,
> involving essentially a purification of the Sunni sect,
> regarded the veneration of saints, ostentation in worship,
> and luxurious living as the chief evils. Accordingly,
> Wahhabi
> mosques are simple and without minarets, and the
> adherents dress plainly and do not smoke tobacco or
> hashish. Driven from Medina for his preaching, the founder
> of the Wahhabi sect went into the NE Nejd and converted
> the Saud tribe. The Saudi sheik, convinced that it was his
> religious mission to wage holy war (jihad) against all
> other
> forms of Islam, began the conquest of his neighbors in
> c.1763. By 1811 the Wahhabis ruled all Arabia, except
> Yemen, from their capital at Riyadh. The Ottoman sultan,
> nominally suzerain over Arabia, had vainly sent out
> expeditions to crush them. Only when the sultan called on
> Muhammad Ali of Egypt for aid did he meet success; by 1818
> the Wahhabis were driven into the desert. In the Nejd they
> collected their power again and from 1821 to 1833 gained
> control over the Persian Gulf coast of Arabia. The domain
> thereafter steadily weakened; Riyadh was lost in 1884, and
> in 1889 the Saud family fled for refuge into the
> neighboring
> state of Kuwait. The Wahhabi movement was to enjoy its
> third triumph when Ibn Saud advanced from his capture of
> Riyadh in 1902 to the reconstitution in 1932 of nearly all
> his
> ancestral domain under the name Saudi Arabia, where
> Wahhabism remains dominant. Wahhabism served as an
> inspiration to other Islamic reform movements from India
> and Sumatra to North Africa and the Sudan.
> - samantha
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >
> > Samantha Atkins wrote:
> > >
> > > > - --
> > > > * I believe that the majority of the world's Muslims are good, *
> > > > * honorable people. If you are a Muslim and want to reassure me and *
> > > > * others that you are part of this good, honorable majority, all *
> > > > * you need to say are nine simple words: "I OPPOSE the Wahhabi cult *
> > > > * and its Jihad." *
> > > >
> > >
> > > This assumes that all Wahhabi support Jihad. It also assumes that
> > > Muslims are required to assure you or that they should be worried about
> > > your opinion of them.
> >
> > One again, Samantha talking out her ear. Wahhabism does support war and
> > terrorism as legitimate forms of Jihad. Most other muslims look at Jihad
> > as simply the individual's "Struggle" (which is what Jihad means) for
> > self improvement. Therefore, someone who doesn't support war and
> > terrorism as legitimate expressions of Jihad are not Wahhabis.

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