Re: BOOK: The Mystery of Capital

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 14:43:38 MDT

> Actually, I AGREE with a lot of what de Soto has to say.
> But I hate religion. And I am naturally attracted to mass displays
> of self-delusion and hypocrisy.

I am certainly no fan of any traditional religion (except pehaps
Zen), but I am curious as to why you think zealous commitment to a
cause is inherently "self-deluded" or "hypoocritical". So long as
one is open to the possibility of error, failing to commit to a
position on anything makes as much sense as not going to the moon
because we can't be sure our knowledge of physics is correct, or
not getting married because we can't know everything about our
potential mate. Instinctively running away from any commitment
because it superficially looks like dogma isn't rationality, it's
just cowardice.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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