Re: Anthrax addendum. IMPORTANT

From: Ralph Lewis (
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 14:47:58 MDT

Order a copy of the The Merck Manual (from Amazon) and look up the main bio war
agents. It will give you a good idea of when you need to respond.

I did not suggest taking Cipro without the warning signs. In fact I said
that was miss use. My concern is that when you need it, it will not be
available to the average person.

Take a look at:

our first bio war attack and the House shuts down for 5 days!!! One minor
event and our elected elites run like rats from a sinking ship. Do you think
if you raised concerns in your office anything would be done except to shut
you up.
I can tell you when I had a IR spec done that showed a highly toxic chemical
in the building I worked in nothing was done to clean it up and everything
was done to shut me up.


At 03:42 PM 10/17/2001 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 10/17/01 9:52:56 AM, writes:
>>Looks like the establishment doesn't want to protect the population.
>>rumor has it that elite are taking Cipro as a
>>preventative measure which is
>>a miss use. Check the Merck Manual. But doesn't
>>want the population to have
>>a ready stock in case of wide spread use.
>If Cipro reaches the general public, millions of people will take the stuff
>and it will be
>a useless antibiotic in 6 months. We can tolerate a few people taking it.
>I don't understand why people are using it. Anybody able to make a
>strain could breed it to resist Cipro too. It's probably a good time to get a
>part-time job carding wool and try to innoculate yourself with a mild strain

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