Re: Anthrax addendum

From: Robert Coyote (
Date: Sun Oct 14 2001 - 14:27:38 MDT

here is another interesting link
BioEvent Maps

> This looks to be a good source:
> it has links to JAMA articles detailing the risks of individual
> organisms.
> I sent John an offlist note noting that I think the risk from
> Yersinia Pestis (plague) is higher than that of smallpox.
> One could base this entirely on the fact that producing large
> numbers of bacteria is much easier (all you need is a fermentation
> vat) than producing large numbers of virus particles that seem
> to require animal or fowl hosts to manufacture the virus.
> For low tech, I'd say its Anthrax, Yersinia or perhaps Tularemia
> which is one of the most infectious bacteria known.
> Robert

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