Aging isn't a disease

From: stencil (
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 13:32:40 MDT

Nobel Laureates' Startup Seeks to Restore Fading Memories
By Paul Elias The Associated Press
Published: Oct 12, 2001

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Dr. Eric Kandel shared last year's
Nobel Prize in medicine for figuring out what makes sea
slugs remember. He is hoping the same technology can help
aging baby boomers fight memory loss.
Aside from the research challenges, however, he faces a
considerable hurdle: The Food and Drug Administration has
been reluctant to approve drugs that simply target normal
memory problems - drugs it considers lifestyle-enhancers
rather than disease-fighters.
"Aging isn't a disease," FDA spokeswoman Laura Bradbard
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