TECH: Quantum Head Job

From: Smigrodzki, Rafal (SmigrodzkiR@MSX.UPMC.EDU)
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 13:05:21 MDT

"scerir" <> wrote:

The question is: does the wave function represent reality or
knowledge (lack of knowledge) ? I think that QM is a double-speaking
theory. Sometimes speaks about things (Schroedinger's cat is real,
experiments performed), sometimes about informations (Rothstein,
Brillouin, Heisenberg, Adami, Cerf, Zeilinger, Mermin, etc.).

### I wonder what is the interpretation of entangled particles in the
multiverse QM. Isn't it saying that at the time of the formation of the
entangled state the universe splits locally into branches, each containing
one of the possible states of the entangled system? So, if you read the spin
of your electron you only find out in which of the two possible branches you
are - the up or down, and you know what is the spin the other electron of
the entangled pair but you do not "force" the electron to decide which spin
it wants.

This would seem to be just as effective in precluding instantaneous
communication as the classical interpretation.

Rafal Smigrodzki, MD-PhD

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