Re: Secrecy foe scrubs data on Interne

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 10:48:07 MDT

From: "KPJ" <>
> Get all cached FAS pages.
> Remove all still online at FAS.
> Then you know which ones are offline now.

Good idea. Let us know what you come up with. <smirk>
Next, do the same for US government departments and agencies.

     << U.S. government departments and agencies, meanwhile, have stripped a
wide range of documents from Web sites because of perceived threats to such
critical systems as pipelines, water supply stations and power plants.>>

Do the same for the Bureau of Transportation and Geographic Information

<<The Transportation Department’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics has cut
off public access to databases used for mapping because of stepped-up concern
about U.S. transportation infrastructure.
       “At this time, we are only providing geospatial data to federal, state,
and local government officials,” said a notice on the bureau’s Web site, >>

Hurry! Google may purge their cache next.


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